Many of you have noticed that I love love retro make up styles.For me -the pin up make up is a classic art form. The easiest way to recreate a pin up look is by using-a great
continue readingMany of you have noticed that I love love retro make up styles.For me -the pin up make up is a classic art form. The easiest way to recreate a pin up look is by using-a great
continue readingIt took me ages to decide to write in English but many people tried reading my blog and it was quite impossible for them to understand exactly what I was writing
continue readingSunt genul de persoana care adora sa invete.In orice domeniu, sunt mereu in cautare de tot ce e nou.Nu face exceptie nici pasiunea mea cu make-up-ul. Drept
continue readingDemachierea este un pas esential pentru mentinerea unui ten perfect si sanatos-si o etapa importanta in procesul de
continue readingUna din discutiile ridicate la bootcamp-ul de aseara de catre fete a fost:ce trebuie sa contina trusa mea de make up si ingrijire a tenului de zi cu zi si care sunt
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